
How to Talk About Climate Change

You can make a big impact in the fight against Climate Change. There are only two steps. 1) Educate yourself 2) Get other people to care by talking about Climate Change with them. Start a conversation with shared values and lead into questions about the impacts of Climate Change or give them a few facts about Climate Change. This other person will likely trust you more than something they heard on tv because you are passionate enough to have learned the basics of the issue and you aren’t scared to speak up. Read on for examples and take the Climate Change Challenge.

Past, Present, and Future of the Environmental Protection Agency

What is the Environmental Protection Agency? Where did it come from and what does it do? Where is the EPA in the battle against climate change and what have the actions of the EPA been under the Trump Administration? How do we fight back? The time to learn and educate yourselves and others is now. Speak up and make a difference for the future lives of your children and grandchildren.